How to analyze your data on melba

Discover how to analyze your data on melba

Published on 01/24/2022Sébastien Vassaux

Melba allows full access to the data entered on our tool and enriched by our algorithms.Discover in this article how to carry out analyzes in order to multiply the potential of your business.

Export your data

All list data can be exported easily.

Refer to the export documentation. In particular, you can export all or part of the data using filters.

Integrate your exported data into our analysis model

First, download our sample analysis file.

This file has several tabs that allow you to use the previously exported data.

You can iterate on the example provided and export any dlist data to take your analyzes further.

Use the possibilities of spreadsheets to cross your data freely

Thanks to spreadsheets like Google Sheet or Microsoft Excel, you can freely cross your data and reprocess them to obtain the information that interests you.

In particular, the pivot table and pivot chart functionalities allow you to create analyzes very quickly by moving any data along the abscissa or ordinate.

Examples of analyzes

By re-importing your margin, stock, buy, sell, etc. data into our model. you can identify all imaginable inconsistencies in your business to derive an action plan.

Example of analyses:

  • Analyze your purchase volumes by period and by supplier to better negotiate your prices
  • Analyze your margin in value by period and category to identify what contributes the most to your profitability and correct what is making you lose money
  • Analyze your percentage margin by product to rectify the performance of products that contribute little to your mage

Further analytics with the API

Via the API, you can access your data even more freely.

In particular, you can synchronize this data with dedicated analytics tools.

Some customers export this data to their Business Intelligence tools such as PowerBI and deduce advanced action plans.