Configure the inventory management mode

Find out how to configure the inventory management mode in melba, manual or automatic, with or without recipe inventory

Published on 10/21/2022Hind Andaloussi

Storage contexts

Several contexts exist in which stock or destock actions can be carried out or deduction of the remaining quantities in stock:

  • Supplier orders: store the ingredients received or deduct existing stocks from the quantities to be ordered
  • Sales: destocking the ingredients consumed or the finished products sold
  • Tasks: re-stock the prepared products and destock the elements used for their preparation or deduct the quantities remaining in stock from the quantities to be produced
  • Templates: in this less business context, we can store and destock or deduct the quantities remaining in stock. Templates allow you to build your own logic.
  • Stock screens: stocks can be manually modified in the dedicated screens.

Manage inventory manually

To avoid surprises, inventory management in melba is manual by default.

That is, stocks move up or down each time you click on stock actions via More actions -> destock or Other actions -> store buttons.

These manual actions offer you the possibility to force the repetition of the action if it has already taken place.

Manage inventory automatically

Manage only ingredient stocks

When the setting is enabled, the following actions will take place automatically:

  • When the status of an order changes to received : the stocks of ingredients are increased by the quantities received
  • When the status of a sale changes to sold : the stocks of ingredients are reduced by the quantities sold

Manage inventory of ingredients and recipes

It is not possible to manage the stock of recipes automatically without also managing the stock of ingredients automatically.

Thus, to manage the stock of recipes automatically, it is mandatory to manage the stock of ingredients automatically as well.

When these two options are activated, the following actions will take place automatically:

  • When the status of an order changes to received : the stocks of ingredients are increased by the quantities received
  • When the status of a sale changes to sold : the stocks of finished products (ingredients or recipes directly attached to the sales lines) are reduced by the quantities sold
  • When the status of a task changes in fact : the stocks of products directly attached to the task are increased by the quantities produced, and the stocks of the elements used for their preparation are reduced.

In order for all the raw materials used in the manufacture of the production tasks (recipes + sub-recipes) to be automatically and correctly destocked, it is therefore imperative to program each sub-recipe in a separate task.

For instance :

If I put in production a lasagna bolognese recipe that contains lasagna noodles, bolognese sauce, bechamel sauce, cheese.

I have to individually plan each of the tasks corresponding to the sub-recipes to allow the system to destock the quantities of ingredients necessary for their manufacture.

So I plan:

  1. The Bolognese > task to destock the direct ingredients that compose it
  2. The Béchamel sauce > task to destock the direct ingredients that compose it
  3. The Bolognese lasagne > task to destock the direct Bolognese sauce and bechamel sauce recipes that make it up (sauces that have automatically been stored when their status has actually passed).

In this example, if the bolognese sauce itself uses a homemade tomato sauce sub-recipe, it will also be necessary to plan the task beforehand to destock the direct ingredients that compose it.

Other Inventory Rules

Stock quantities can never be negative.

The quantities of the stock views are equal to the sum of the corresponding transactions.

Any stock operation generates transactions for accurate tracking.

These transactions can be exported and rolled back as needed.