How Do I Create a Recipe?

Steps and tips for creating recipes

Published on 11/02/2022Hind Andaloussi

Here are the steps and tips for creating simple recipe databases

Access the recipes by clicking on the Recipes section in the Main Menu

Click on the Create a recipe floating button accessible via the + " at the bottom left.

Recipes are created in two steps.

  • The basic identification criteria of the recipe
  • Completion with different production, purchase, sale, stock and traceability information

A first modal invites to:

  1. Fill in the designation
  2. Select  category
  3. Enter the internal code
  4. Select portioning rule
  5. Validate by clicking on  Create recipe

Relevant identification of a recipe

The creation of a recipe goes through the correct name of the latter. The goal is that you can find it easily among a more or less long list of items.

It is advisable to make maximum use of the “photo” function allowing you to associate a recipe with a photo. This makes it easier to visualize and implement the dressing of your dishes, especially in the context of collaborative work. To add a photo, click on the gray box showing an illustration and select the file chosen to illustrate the recipe. 

Recipe portioning

When you create a recipe, you can choose whether your recipe includes portions or not.

A serving is a fraction of the recipe. 

Three options are then available. You can determine:

  • The number of servings in a recipe. In this case, the weight of a portion is calculated automatically in relation to the final weight of your recipe. 
    For example: You create a recipe for raspberry pie. This pie makes 6 portions. If, during the production of this recipe, the total net weight of the incorporated ingredients is 900g, the weight of a serving is then automatically calculated. In this case, the portion is 150g.  

  • The weight or volume of a serving. In this case the weight of a serving is totally independent of the final weight of your recipe but the number of servings per recipe will be calculated automatically. 
    For example: You are creating a recipe for a fruit salad with raspberries. You sell this raspberry salad in a 200 gram jar. Whatever the total weight of your initial recipe, the weight of your portion remains unchanged. If I decide to produce 6kg from my recipe, I know I will be able to serve 30 servings.

  • No portion for this recipe , the portion unit is not created.

The configuration of the portions of a recipe can be edited in the recipe data sheet. To modify it, you must:

1. Click on the recipe data sheet

2. Click on the main information block

3. Make portioning changes