Create and switch organization

Create a new organization, and simply connect to its organizations

Published on 02/17/2022Hind Andaloussi

What is an organization?

An organization refers more specifically to an establishment.

It therefore has its own identification information, some of which is entered when it is created.

The administrator of an organization (the one in which he evolves at the time of configuration), has the possibility of creating new organizations according to the number of distinct establishments that he wishes to manage.

How to create an organization?

The list of organizations to which a user belongs is accessible in the Settings tab of the main menu, Multi-sites section. The drop-down title in the header displays the Organizations view by default.

  • A user is part of an organization from the moment he creates it, or is invited to it with his email address.
  • Depending on the role assigned to him , he may possibly be able to administer it. This is the case when he himself creates an organization.

To create a new organization, simply:

  1. Click on  Create an organization via the " + " at the bottom left
  2. Enter organization name
  3. Enter an email address
    (if it is not that of the user, he must make sure to be added as an administrator user if he wishes to switch to it from his current organization, and administer it by the following)
  4. Validate by clicking on the  Create button

Connect to one of their organizations

A user can directly connect to the organizations to which he belongs:

  • Either in the list of organizations in the multi-site section in the settings:
    By clicking on the pop-up menu represented by the "  " symbol, then Connect .
  • Either via the Administration menu, by clicking on Change organization :
    By selecting the organization in the modal, then Connect .

Choice of invoicing of the new organization

When creating an organization, two billing options for the new establishment are possible:

Invoicing common to the current organization:

  • The subscription of the new organization is identical to that of the parent organization
  • The subscription is not customizable and will see the same changes as the parent organization
  • A single invoice is generated for all organizations and appears in the parent organization's account

Invoicing independent of the organization:

  • The organization is invited to subscribe independently
  • The organization benefits from a trial period and can modulate its subscription as it wishes
  • The invoice generated is specific to this new organization