Sales view

List of all past, current and future sales

Published on 03/16/2022Hind Andaloussi

The list of sales is accessible in the Sales tab of the main menu.

In the drop-down header, select Sales View.

The Sales view is an exhaustive list of all past sales, as well as those in progress and those to come if sales forecasts are made with follow-up.

In this view, each line corresponds to a sale. That is to say to a batch of products sold or planned for a given date, and possibly associated with a customer or a service if we operate in a catering model.

This is a standard view, the most relevant when it comes to analyzing sales by period, or to access the content of each sale and adjust it.

The most common search criteria are available directly as drop-down filters:

  • By period: All periods, today, tomorrow, this week.
  • By status: All statuses, created, pending, sold, cancelled.

You can easily find sales by refining the search through more advanced filters .