How to generate food labels

Easily print INCO labels or production labels (use by) of your preparations

Published on 06/27/2023Sébastien Vassaux

This feature requires a subscription to the premium traceability module .

Make sure you have correctly entered the data of your ingredients & recipes

Here is the information that can be displayed on a label and the screen on which to edit it

  • company name and logo: your organization's configuration screen
  • nutritional information: screen of an article - the value is calculated on the recipes
  • allergens: screen of an article - the value is calculated on the recipes
  • food composition: screen of an article - the value is calculated on the recipes
  • DLC: Item and Recipe Screen
  • product name: screen of an article or a recipe
  • commercial name: screen of an article or a recipe
  • label instructions: item or recipe screen

Edit print templates

Default label templates are available from the settings section.

When you create your account, two default templates are available to you.

They are set for a width of 62mm, compatible with the Brother printer

However, you can very freely create other templates by duplicating one of the existing templates and adjusting its content.

You can arrange the following texts, in the format of your choice, in text boxes, so that they are replaced by the values ​​during printing:

  • {{productName}}: commercial name of the product or, failing that, the internal name of the product
  • {{organizationName}}: commercial name of the company or, failing that, the legal name
  • {{expirationDate}}: product expiration date, available on the label
  • {{dueDate}}: product manufacturing date, if available
  • {{currentDate}}: current date of printing
  • {{portionSize}}: portion weight, or recipe weight, or production weight
  • {{parcelCode}}: label lot number
  • {{allergens}}: product allergens
  • {{composition}}: food composition of the product
  • {{labelComment}}: label instructions
  • {{fa_saturated_100g}}: saturated FA per 100g
  • {{energy_njones_fibers_kcal_100g}}: Energy, N x Jones factor, with fiber per 100g
  • {{energy_njones_fibers_kJ_100g}}: Energy, N x Jones factor, with fiber per 100g
  • {{carbohydrate_100g}}: Carbohydrates per 100g
  • {{fat_100g}}: Fat per 100g
  • {{protein_crude_100g}}: Crude protein, N x 6.25 per 100g
  • {{salt_100g}}: Sodium chloride salt per 100g
  • {{sugars_100g}}: Sugars per 100g
  • {{fibers_100g}} : Fibres pour 100g
  • {{fa_saturated_portion}}: Saturated FA for one serving
  • {{energy_njones_fibers_kcal_portion}}: Energy, N x Jones factor, with fiber for one serving
  • {{energy_njones_fibers_kJ_portion}}: Energy, N x Jones factor, with fiber for one serving
  • {{carbohydrate_portion}}: Carbohydrates per serving
  • {{fat_portion}}: Fat per serving
  • {{protein_crude_portion}}: Crude protein, N x 6.25 for one serving
  • {{salt_portion}}: Sodium chloride salt for one serving
  • {{sugars_portion}}: Sugars for one serving
  • {{fibers_portion}}: Fibers for one serving

You can also fill in static values ​​in the template, such as your logo, text prefixing nutritional values, etc.

The printing of labels is done from the list of labels.

Labels are automatically prepared for all production jobs you have completed.

You can also create labels on the fly, by clicking on the blue plus and choosing the product concerned.

You can set the number of labels to print for the product. By default it is equal to the number of portions prepared when the label comes from a production task.

Click on the blue "Generate labels" button:

  • In the next screen, you can use the buttons at the top right to download or print the document
  • You can also open google slide to edit the full document

This feature requires a subscription to the traceability standard module.

To generate labels, you can use the mail merge functions of the Microsoft or Google suite tools.

We specify below a step-by-step tutorial to print production labels (use by) or in INCO format from Microsoft Word.

Prepare your documents

To begin with :

  • Schedule your production and indicate which tasks are completed: they feed into the INCO label view;
  • Go to the list of production labels in the traceability section,
    To print the DLC labels during processing, or to label your finished products in a simplified format, not subject to the INCO regulations.
  • Go to the list of INCO labels in the traceability section,
    To print the labels of prepackaged products ready to be marketed;
  • Apply the right filters to get a list of relevant documents;
  • Click on Export to obtain an Excel file containing all the data useful for labeling.

Secondly, download the model:

These templates are a document that you can customize to your liking.

Alternatively, you can:

  • use a solution dedicated to label printing and import the Excel file;
  • subscribe to the API module and perform a custom integration between melba and a third-party templating service.

How to import data into a model

Once you have the data in an Excel file and a label template, you can link the two.

Our model is by default linked to the file you download. Arrange them in the same directory. When opening Microsoft Word offers to update the document, accept or search for the downloaded Excel file if it is not recognized.

If the connection is not automatic:

  • Open the Word template for labels;
  • In the ribbon, click on Mailings then Select recipients then Use an existing list;
  • Load the downloaded Excel file.

If needed, refer to Microsoft Word Help .

How to generate a label for each line

In the template, you can switch between rows of data via the Mailings ribbon and the Preview Results section.

It shows changes. These changes are localized where the model contains formulas to retrieve data from the Excel file.

To see the rendering of each line, just click on the previous and next buttons in this section.

How to change template formulas

Display rules depend on formulas.

When clicking on the data that can change, they are highlighted. You can right-click and then Toggle Field Codes or Toggle Field Codes .

This brings up a formula surrounded by braces. You can change these formulas using the dedicated Microsoft Word help .

How to change the document format

To change the format of the document, you can use all the formatting available on Microsoft Word.

Specifically :

  • To change the size of the label: go to the ribbon, Layout section then Margins and Size;
  • To change the typography: go to the main ribbon.

How to start printing

To start printing all your labels:

  • Go to the Mailings ribbon , Finish / Finish & Merge section ;
  • Choose the Edit individual documents option.

A document for all your labels is generated. You can now print it with your default printer.