The ingredients view

Item database, this list refers to all items created or imported by the organization.

Published on 05/13/2022Hind Andaloussi

The list of all items (ingredients, packaging, hygiene products, etc.) can be accessed in the Items tab of the main menu.

In the drop-down header, select Article View.

The Articles view is the exhaustive list of all articles created, imported or shared in an organization.

This is a standard view, the most relevant when it comes to searching the entire usable articles database and accessing the content of each article in order to complete or edit it.

The most common search criteria are available directly as drop-down filters:

  • By type: All types, food, miscellaneous.

You can easily find articles by refining the search through more advanced filters .

From this view, you can also:

How to create an article ?

Steps and tips for creating articles

How to create multiple ingredients

Add multiple items at once

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Discover how to import ingredient data on melba